Lenten Dinners & Worship

During lent we have a carry-in dinner following by a time of worship in our chapel.  Every Wednesday evening during lent except for the Wednesday of Easter.  Dinner begins at 5:30 and worship at 6:15.  

The Passion of Christ

The Passion of Christ refers to the last few days of Christ’s life on earth. Each year we observe the Passion of Christ with special presentations on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday and a traditional Easter Service on Sunday.

Maundy Thursday:  Last Supper Drama

Maundy Thursday is brought to life with a live presentation of Leonardo DaVinci’s famous painting of the Last Supper as seen through the eyes of his disciples. Each participant, except for Christ himself, talks about his hopes, fears, and expectations. The presentation casts what happened in a very human light. You will be deeply affected by what these men were going through. Their entire world -- their hopes, their dreams -- was falling apart. You will find something life-affirming to take away from the experience.  

The re-enactment begins just as Jesus has told them that one of them will betray him. The disciples react in different ways depending on their character and as depicted in Leonardo Da Vinci’s famous painting.  They respond with the feelings that each Disciple felt about Jesus and their experience with him.

Following the Last Supper presentation, the service ends with the Sacramental Elements being taken off the table and carried into the chapel.  All the Apostles leave, looking back at the cross in the sanctuary.  The congregation follows them into the chapel where communion is served.

Good Friday  

This is a time for reflection, not only on what God has sacrificed to free us from the shackles of sin, but also on what that freedom really means to us. To be free of sin doesn’t mean that we can live without responsibility for our actions. Rather, it means that if we believe in Christ, our sins will be forgiven and we will be free to act according to God's will. Christ experienced the wrath of God on this day two thousand years ago, so we will not have to. Through the reenactment of witnesses of the crucifixion we are drawn into the reality of the suffering of our Savior.



Easter Sunday Service is the culmination of God’s promise to us of eternal life. It is the assurance that at the end of this life there is a far, far better life, a life that we’ll spend in the company of God. Christ’s resurrection turns the sadness of the crucifixion into joy and hope. It’s an invitation for us to begin planning for participating in God's Kingdom right now, today.  The simple reality is that our journey is an important part of our final destination. It points us toward the future and to paradise. 


Come celebrate with us the everlasting joy and hope of Easter and the promise of a future more wonderful than any of us can imagine.

Family Christmas Service

Each year on the Sunday before Christmas we hold a family Christmas worship service during which there is a live nativity scene with adult members portraying Mary, Joseph and the Wisemen.  Children are invited to participate by offering gifts to the Christ child and by hearing the story of his birth.

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we hold a candlelight service with communion.  Depending on weather we also have a live nativity scene outside the church or, if too cold, this is held in our chapel.


Thanksgiving Baskets

Each year our Deacons prepare and distribute Thanksgiving Baskets to veterans in our community.  Each basket contains all the necessary items for a wonder Thanksgiving dinner.  This is an outreach to recognize and honor the service of veterans.  

Christmas Shoe Boxes

Each year our church members and the youth group participate in collecting shoeboxes filled with toys and personal grooming items for boys and girls, ages 2- 14, who are in need.  This is a world-wide mission.  Monetary donations are also needed to help with postage and to build more shoeboxes.  These shoeboxes are collected in participation with Operation Christmas Child – a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, which is led by Franklin Graham, the oldest child of renowned evangelist, Reverend Billy Graham.  Samaritan’s Purse has existed since 1979 and has worked to meet the needs of poor, sick, and suffering people in ore than 100 countries. 

 Soup for Souls

The Methodist Church hosts Soup 4 Souls on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 4:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Our church is responsible for the 4th Tuesday of each month. Volunteers are needed.  Contact Judy Bertram if you are willing to serve. 

 Soles for Souls

Each year the Missions/Inviting Team, with support from a local shoe store, provides certificates to children in need of shoes.  The names of the children in need are provided by local support agencies. 

Operation Backpack

On the last Sunday of July we hold Operation Backpack.  This event provides a backpack and school supplies for any child who attends a school in White County.  In order to participate each child must be accomanied by a parent.  While it is a ministry of the inviting/mission team, many groups, including our Gravity Youth Group participate to make this event a success. We generally provide school supplies to 200 to 300 children.

Presbyterian Women's Holiday Bazaar

On the 1st Saturday of November Presbyterian Women hold a holiday bazaar from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.  This even begins with a coffee shop and continues with a soup,sandwich, salad lunch.  Throughout the time visitors can also shop the many hand made crafts and goodies for sale.  

We hold a number of special events and activities: some are worship based and some are an outreach of one of our ministry teams. Some of those events are described below.