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Adult Activities

We offer many opportunities for adults at First Presbyterian Church of Monticello, Indiana.  Adults may choose to become actively involved through attending Sunday morning worship, participation in any of our Ministry Teams, helping with specific activities/missions, Bible Studies, helping in the office, serving as a Deacon, participating in Presbyterian Women, as well as serving in leadership positions such as being an Elder or Deacon and our Choir is always looking for more voices.  We encourage all members and visitors to pray for our church and it's work for the Lord. 

Below are listed some of the activities in which adults may choose.

                                  Chair Exercise Class


This class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 10:00 to 11:00 am in the Fellowship Hall and is led by Judy Bertram and Margaret Sherry. **During the winter months, this class meets ONLY on Thursdays.  It is intended for mature adults and those with mobility limitations and is open to anyone who wants to participate. For any questions, contact the church office at 574-583-5787.  Judy summarizes below what this ministry means to her and how she hopes it helps others:  

Some Christians believe it is selfish to take time to exercise or view it as a waste of time, but our bodies are gifts from God.  By being fit and healthy, we are also better able to carry out our God-given vocation on earth.

I feel this is my mission and that is why I took the opportunity to take the training offered by the Smock Ministries to be a 3b exercise instructor. The 3b vision statement: to enhance the lives of senior adults through educational and physical movements focused on enriching their Body, Brain and spiritual Beliefs as they embrace the full life God intends for each-individually and in healthy congregation.

I believe God will help you and reward your fitness efforts, if they are done in His service and not out of vanity or selfishness. Put your trust in God, and He will guide you.

Dedicate your workouts to Christ and see if that doesn’t make a difference. 

Philippians 4:13:  “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me.”  




HEART Fellowship is a group of seniors who meet once a month. Any senior (or near-senior) can join us. HEART – which stands for “Hearts Encouraged Attaining Riches Together”.  This program provides lunch and a vast variety of programs ranging from solving problems that seniors face to ideas for spiritual and intellectual growth.  



Sunday 9:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study led by Jack DeMay.  This class meets in the meeting room (formerly WEB classroom).  Topics and study materials are chosen by the class members.  Currently doing a study on the book of Genesis.