Life is a Journey

It can be a wonderful journey, or it can be a miserable journey. It all depends on who you’re following. That doesn’t mean there won’t be bumps along the way, but with Christ as our guide, those bumps will be easier to take. Education is all about surviving the bumps and finishing the journey in the presence of God. 


A Place to Nurture Your Soul

God put us here to love and nurture one another. It really is that simple. But as simple as that sounds, we still need to learn how to nurture. We know that pointing the way is just the beginning. We all need companions along the way. We believe that you’ll find many companions on life’s journey here at our church. We’re confident you’ll find the warmth and support you need along the way, from the study of the testament of Christ to praising God through song.


Set Your Own Pace

Not everyone can travel at the same pace. We recognize that there is no perfect pace; it’s whatever you’re comfortable with. That’s why we offer so much — so that you can set your own pace.


The Education Team strives to meet the great commission: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.” Traveling without a map from one part of the country to another would probably not get you to your destination. You’d probably lose your way and arrive at your destination much later, if at all.


Traveling the spiritual road is much the same. Without a good map, most of us will lose our way and many of us will stay lost. There’s no better spiritual roadmap than the Bible, and all of our Education derives from that source.


The Education Team works with the Pastor, the Session, the Deacons, the Youth team, and the congregation to provide enriching Christian educational opportunities for all.  This team is responsible for coordinating the following opportunities:


FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH the following activities are offered:  Vacation Bible School (VBS) which is conducted jointly with and at the Monticello United Methodist Church, confirmation class, recognition of high school and college graduates, Bible presentation to 4th graders, adult staffed nursery during Sunday morning worship, oversight of all curriculum.  At this time we have few children/youth who attend regularly so we are not currently having Sunday School classes.


FOR ADULTS the followinng activities are offered:  Adult Sunday Bible Study, weekly Bible studies for both men and women, and a new member class.  Many other adult activites and opportunities are offered by other teams.

If you are interested in serving on this team or wish more information, please call the church office at 574-583-5787.